Modern Conducting Academy
Modern Conducting Academy

Modern Conducting Academy


IFCM / MCA Partnership

IFCM / MCA Partnership

IFCM members receive 25% off Annual Memberships to MCA.

  • Unlimited access to 100+ videos

  • One-one-one coaching

  • All LIVE classes included

  • FREE professional development certificates

  • Private lessons available

  • Special members only content

Enter Discount Code at checkout: IFCMDISCOUNT

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Messages from our MCA members

Linda Heikkila

"I am so excited about all of this training! I would never have access to this kind of information in such a great format."

Julie Lowry

"I am extremely impressed with

Modern Conducting Academy and their client service is unmatched."

Andrea Townsend

"That class brought tears to my eyes.  Sometimes I'm intimidated by how much I don't know and how much there is to learn about music, but today, I was just happily overwhelmed with gratitude for how rich music is. This really re-juiced my batteries emotionally, in the run-up to my December performance marathon."

Keith Lathrom

“I am really enjoying the program so far. Such a diverse resource and I am glad I purchased a subscription."

Javvieaus Stewart

"There is something for every kind of director to explore on the MCA platform at an affordable price! Every tool and resource is worth implementing!"

Dr. Charlene Archibeque - MCA Professor

"Conductors of all ages and experiences can find solutions to fill in their personal rehearsal/conducting gaps through this amazing one on one program."

Private Lessons

Private Lessons

Receive real-time, in-depth suggestions on how to improve your gesture, making it more impactful to the ensemble. Perfect for yearly Professional Development. Book a single lesson or set of 3 for a 10% discount.

Topics Available:

  • Conducting Gesture & Score Study

  • Audition Techniques & Résumé Advice

  • Wellness & Mental Health

  • Stress Management

  • Career & Goal Development